Support Inscape Art Programs

Support Inscape Art Programs

Make a donation today!

Inscape programs are in high demand.   Your tax deductible donation goes directly to support artists and musicians to work with patients, families and staff in Southern Tasmanian hospitals.  Your donation contributes to our Inscape Tas Incorporated Gift Fund. 

I would like to donate:

A one off donation of $200 towards a patient's 'Life-scape' illustration $ 200
A one off donation of $100 towards a musician's performance $ 100
A one off donation of $50 towards an artmaking bedside visit $ 50
A one off donation of $25 towards a musical bedside visit $ 25
A fortnightly donation of $200 towards a patient's 'Tribute' illustration $ 200
A fortnightly donation of $100 towards a musician's performance $ 100
A fortnightly donation of $50 towards an artmaking bedside visit $ 50
A fortnightly donation of $25 towards an musical bedside visit $ 25
A monthly donation of $200 towards a patient's 'Tribute' illustration $ 200
A monthly donation of $100 towards a musician's performance $ 100
A monthly donation of $50 towards an artmaking bedside visit $ 50
A monthly donation of $25 towards a musical bedside visit $ 25

Your Information

Credit card details

Accepted cards
Visa Mastercard American Express

You will be billed $0 per month until you cancel the subscription.

Total: $0

This amount will be billed to your account today and once a week thereafter. Total annual amount: $0 This amount will be billed to your account today and once a fortnight thereafter. Total annual amount: $0 This amount will be billed to your account today and once a month thereafter. Total annual amount: $0 This amount will be billed to your account today and once a year thereafter. Total annual amount: $0